Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
About Department :
Mesarya Technical University is a remarkable institution and we welcome staff and
students from diverse backgrounds and all parts of the world.
The Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences has responsibility for the instructional program in the diagnosis, treatment, and control of animal diseases. Departmental faculty contributes a major share of the instruction in Years II, III, and IV and participates in problem-based learning in Years I, II, and III. Classroom lectures and discussions of the diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment of diseases are augmented by laboratory training in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. Those members of the faculty with concurrent appointments to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital & Clinics provide in-depth clinical training to students registered in Phase II courses.
Mission of the Department
The mission of Department is to educate students for the practice of their profession, for the advancement of knowledge and technology as well as for finding solutions to the national, international.
The mission of the Department is to create and maintain programs of excellence in the areas of research, education and public outreach. With a high standard for excellence in all three areas the department will produce students who are knowledgeable in this area and can think critically.
The vision of the Department is to be a recognized and distinguished unit in the field. To provide excellent teaching and training for the graduate students.

- Student Book
- Lab Report Format
- Summer Practice Report Format
- Lab Manual
- Summer Practice Procedure
- Summer Practice Form