Course Code: VET203
Course Title: Microbiology I
Weekly Teaching Hour: (2,2 )
Course Description: These courses provides basic knowledge of basic principles and concepts microbiology pathogenic microbiology, bacterial and fungal diseases of animals. Coverage of specific diseases/organisms in Mediterranean basin and in Africa,: distribution, epidemiology, mechanisms of pathogenesis, immunity, diagnosis, and prevention. Laboratory sessions emphasize the proper selection, collection and transportation of bacteriologic and fungal specimens. Basic processing of clinical/pathological specimens and identification of bacterial and fungal organisms commonly present in those specimens is offered.
Recommended Textbook(s) and Supplementary Books:
- Veterinary Microbiology by McVey( Editor), Kennedy ( Editor)and Chengappa ( Editor), 3rd. Ed. 2015
- Clinical veterinary Microbiology by Markey, Leonard, Archambould, Culinane and Maguire 2 nd. Ed. 2013
Course Assessment:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95% compulsory.