Course Descriptions
Course Code : TURZ 111 Course Title : Introduction to Tourism Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 – 1
Short course description: This course aims to give a general introduction to the tourism industry. In addition to general and historical information in the field of tourism, it provides students with information about the motivating elements of tourism and subsystems of the tourism industry. In this course, tourism enterprises are also examined in detail and necessary terminology is given.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- An overview of the concept of tourism, Prof. Dr. Öcal USTA, Anadolu Maatbacılık, 2001, İZMİR
2- Tourism, Principles, Practices, Philosophies, Charles R. Goeldner and J. R. Brent Ritchie, Wiley Education.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95%mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 115 Course Title : Introduction to Business
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to explain the operation of business enterprises in national and international context. It aims to provide students with the skills of managing, planning, organizing, directing and controlling, and refers to appropriate methods and techniques. Students also examine and analyze sample problems that businesses may encounter.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Introduction to Business Education, Prof. Dr. M. Şerif Şimşek, Education Bookstore.
2- Fundamentals of Business, Stephen J. Skripak, VT Publishing.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance 10%, Mid-Term Exam 30%, Homework 10%, Final Exam 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 131
Course Title : Mathematics for Hospitality Industry
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to teach students the basic calculations used in the field of tourism. In addition, it is aimed to gain basic statistical techniques.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Applied Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Osman Unutulmaz, Detay Publishing.
2- An Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Mathematics, J. Robert Buchanan.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95%mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 161 Course Title : Introduction to Computer Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to inform students about information technologies. Students are taught Word, Excel and Power point applications to support computer use in education and business.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Computer Systems in Hospitality Industry, Adnan Türksoy, Ekin Publishing.
2- A Textbook of Computer Application in Business. Harris Bilal.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : INGL 101 Course Title : English I Weekly lecture and application hours : 3-1
Short course definition: The aim of this course is to provide students at pre-intermediate level with basic general knowledge of English as well as the use of terminology and expressions that will be required in the field of tourism.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- English for Front Office Staff, Majure, R. (1992) Ministry of Tourism and ILO, Ministry of Tourism Publications, Ankara, Turkey.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : XXXXX Course Title : Elective Foreign Language I Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge about intonation, transliteration and basic grammar rules. It is a course that emphasizes the use of grammar with research focusing on general topics.
Textbook and supplementary books: will be announced.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%, Attendance is at least 95%mandatory. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Course Code : TURZ 123
Course Title : Accommodation Operations
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with information about the organizational structure of the hotel and food supply industries. It mainly addresses housekeeping, front desk, accommodation and catering. It also aims to inform students about issues such as cleaning rooms and other general areas, human resource management and inventory control.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Front Office Operations and Management in Hospitality Industry, Ayhan Gökdeniz and Yakup Dinç, Detay Publishing.
- Accommodation Operations Management, S. K. Kaushal and S. N. Gautam, Frank Bros and Co.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 126
Course Name : Introduction to Economics
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to explain the basics of micro-economy, to examine tourism demand and supply by economic methods and to investigate how economic data can be connected with tourism.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Basic Economy, Prof. Hakkı Inan, Ideal Publishing.
2- Tourism Economics, Donald E. Lundberg, M. Krishnamoorthy and Mink H. Stavenga.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Course Code : THM 142
Course Name: Food and Hygiene
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with advanced knowledge on the preparation of professional food. The course is conducted under the guidance of the teacher but student-centered, with the active participation of the student in the practices.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Hygiene and Sanitation in Food Industry, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tayar and Velaaddin Kılıç, KE Publishing.
2- Food Hygiene and Sanitation with Case Studies, Sunetra Roday, McGraw Hill.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 146 Course Name: Front Office Management Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with information such as exchange of information, room reservation, pricing, and luggage organization, which includes the basics of the front office.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Front Office Management in Hospitality Industry, Şener, B. (2006), Ankara, Detay Anatolia Academic Publishing Ltd. Sti.
2- Front Office Operations and Management in Hospitality Industry, Eraslan, N. (2004), Ankara, Detay Anatolia Academic Publishing Ltd. Sti.
3- Hotel Front Office Management, Hasan Hussain, Lambert.
4- Front Office Management and Operations, Sudhir Andrews.
5- Front Office Operations and Management in Hospitality Enterprises (Sample Front Office Modules), Gökdeniz, A. ve Dinç, Y. (2007), Ankara, Detay Anatolia Academic Publishing Ltd. Sti.
6- Front Office Management in Hospitality Industry, Şener, B. (2006), Ankara, Detay Anatolia Academic Publishing Ltd. Sti.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : INGL 102 Course Name : English II Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students at intermediate level with general English knowledge and the use of terminology and expressions that will be required in the field of tourism. It also includes basic speaking exercises and activities, aiming to improve students’ reading and writing skills.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- English for Food & Beverage Service Staff, Majure, R., et al. (1992) Ministry of Tourism and ILO, Ministry of Tourism Publications, Ankara,
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Course Code : XXXX Course Name: Foreign Language Elective Course II Weekly lecture and application hours: 3-1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to improve students’ writing skills. In addition, it is aimed to gain short speech expressions to students with exercises that include tourism related topics. Grammar is taught with the help of dialogues and reading passages.
Textbook and supplementary books: will be announced.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95%mandatory.
Course Code : XXXX Course Title : Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution Weekly lecture and application hours of the course: 2-0
Short Course Description: In this course, which will be given in two terms, Atatürk’s Principles will be analyzed analytically and historically.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- History of Turkish Revolution and Kemalist Thought (Prof. Dr. Giritli, Asst.
- Kemalism Today (Prof. Dr. İsmet Giritli).,
- Nutuk (M. Kemal Atatürk).
- Ataturk Culture, Language and History Higher Institution Publications on Turkish War of Independence and Revolution History, Turkish Revolution History and Kemalist Thought (Prof. Dr. Giritli, Assist.
- Kemalism Today (Prof. Dr. İsmet Giritli),
- Ataturk Culture, Language and History Institution Publications on Turkish War of Independence and Revolution History.
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 100 Course Name : Summer Internship
It includes a 100-day internship and is carried out under the supervision of the department.
Course Code : TURZ 221 Course Name : Travel and Tour Operator Management Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with the organizational phenomenon of the travel industry. It is basically a course with introductory information on the operation of single and package tour sales. It also informs students about the operation and organization of travel agencies.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Travel Agency and Tour Operator, Egypt, İ. (2006). Ankara, Detay Publishing
- The Business of Travel Agency and Tour Operations Management, A. K. Bhatia.
- Travel Agency and Tour Operator, Hacıoğlu N. (2006) 6th Edition, Ankara, Nobel Publishing
- Travel Agency and Tour Operator Management, İçöz, O. (1996) Ankara, Anatolia Publishing
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 241 Course Name : Food Production Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
This course aims to teach students the basic theory and practice of professional cooking. The course is taught with the guidance of the teacher, but with the student’s active participation in the applications.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Food and Beverage Management. Aktaş, A. (2001) Antalya: Livane Printing House
- Food Production Operations, Parvinder S. Bali, Oxford University Press
- Food and Beverage Services Management. Türksoy, A. (1997) Akara: Turhan Bookstore
- Food and Beverage Management. Sökmen, A. (2003) Ankara: Detay Publishing
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 244 Course Name : Housekeeping Management Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course aims to provide students with knowledge on housekeeping management and its functioning. It also informs students about the order and cleaning of rooms and public areas, human resources management and inventory control.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Contemporary Housekeeping Management in Hospitality Industry, Seymen, O.A. and Gül, M.K. (2004), Ankara, Detay Anatolia Academic Publishing Ltd. Sti.
- Hotel Housekeeping Operations and Management, G. Raghubalan and Smritee Raghubalan, Oxford University Press.
- Housekeeping Management in Hotel Enterprises, Kozak, M.A (2006), Ankara, Detay Anatolia Academic Publishing Ltd. Sti.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 261 Course Name : Computerized Booking System – Fidelio
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: FIDELIO front desk and food and beverage programs are organized to train professional staff by working in environments that require fast communication. Lessons are taught in the form of listening, working and practicing using a computer and aim to teach the FIDELIO program.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Computer Systems in Hospitality Industry, Türksoy, A. (1998), Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara. 2- Computer Systems in Hotel and Kitchen Industry, Braham, B. (1995) Cassel Educational Ltd., MEB publications: 2923, Ankara.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95%mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 201 Course Name: English III
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: It is a course aiming to gain fluent communication skills by using English in the field of tourism. It is organized to include activities and studies for the development of speaking skills as well as reading and writing skills.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- English for International Tourism, Iwonna Dubicka and Margaret Okeeffe, Pearson.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : XXXX Course Name: Elective Foreign Language III
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course includes activities in the field of verbal expressions, combining and organizing verbal expressions to give students effective communication skills and oral discussions on tourism-related subjects.
Textbook and supplementary books: will be announced.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95%mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 243
Course Name : Introduction to Tourism Marketing
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course includes the basic topics of marketing in tourism. It aims to inform students about the subject, scope, development and functioning of modern marketing methods. In addition, marketing strategies and marketing tools are among the topics of this course.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Engin Koban and Tutku Eker İşçioğlu, Ekin Publishing with Tourism Marketing Competitive Approach.
- Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations, Alastair M. Morison. Routledge.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 246 Course Name : Pricing and Ticketing – Amadeus
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course examines the organization and structure of the tourism and travel industry. It mainly deals with issues such as tour operator, ticket cutting and reservation systems.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Amadeus Basic Reservation and Ticketing Manual, Automated Systems Company.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 253 Course Name : Financial Accounting Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course definition: The aim of this course is to provide students with information on accounting and financial management management issues and to gain the authority to analyze and analyze these issues. The course starts with the general accounting principles and explains more advanced accounting practices.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- General Accounting, Çonkar K., H. Ulusan and M. Öztürk, 2006, Nobel Publishing, Ankara
- Introduction to Accounting, Sözbilir H., 2005, Afyonkarahisar
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 264 Course Name: Food and Beverage Management Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge and basic applications about food and beverage management. In addition, students are provided with extensive information and applications in the planning, kitchen organization, menu arrangement, room service, cocktail preparation, ordering and service required in the food and beverage departments of the hotels.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Food and Beverage Management. Aktaş, A. (2001) Antalya: Livane Printing House
- Food and Beverage Services Management. Türksoy, A. (1997) Akara: Turhan Bookstore
- Food and Beverage Management. Sökmen, A. (2003) Ankara: Detay Publishing
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : INGL 202 Course Name: English IV Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: It includes activities and activities that focus on business correspondence and verbal communication. It aims to provide students with effective communication skills.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- English for International Tourism, Iwonna Dubicka and Margaret Okeeffe, Pearson.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : XXXX Course Name : Elective Foreign Language IV Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course aims to provide students with effective communication skills while processing communication and grammar together.
Textbook and supplementary books: will be announced.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 310 Course Name : Organizational Behaviour Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course definition: Due to the fact that the human factor is very important in the labour, intensive and simultaneous production-consumption process of Tourism Enterprises, the issues that are prominent in the field of organizational behaviour are examined in the context of the tourism enterprises in the general context. In this context, it is aimed that the students who will work in the tourism sector or will be able to develop higher quality and functional relations.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Organizational Behavior, Özkalp, E. and Kırel, Ç. 2001, ETAM A.Ş., Eskişehir
2- Organizational Behavior, Kreitner, R. and Kinicki, A. 1998 4. Ed., McGraw-Hill.
3- Organizational Behavior and Management Psychology, 2. Eren, E. 2000, 6.B., Beta Basım Yayım A.Ş., Istanbul.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95%mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 315 Course Name : Tourism Economics Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to examine the future of tourism in the country’s economy, the demand and supply of tourism by economic methods and how economic data can be connected with tourism.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Tourism Economics, Olalı, H. and Timur, A. (1988), İzmir, Office Printing House. 2- Tourism Economics, Lundberg, D.E., Krishnamoorthy, M. and Stavenga, M.H. (1995), New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3- Tourism Economy, İçöz, O. Ve Kozak, M. (2002), Ankara, Turhan Bookstore 4- Tourism Economy, Yağcı, Ö. (2003), Ankara, Detay Publishing.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 317 Course Name : Tourism and Environment Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course is based on the study of the development of touristic regions in the major tourism documents of the world. It gives information explaining the interactions of tourism activities in different regions. In addition to environmental phenomena, students see various methods and practices on what can be done to prevent environmental damage.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Tourism and Environment, Kahraman, N., Türkay, O. (2006). 2nd Edition, Ankara, Detay Publishing
2- Tourism Environment Society, Tuna, Muammer (2004) Ankara Detay Publishing
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 318 Course Name : Cost Control Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with information on budgeting, regulation of purchasing procedures. Food, beverage and employee expenditure and expense control issues are also covered in this course.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Financial Management in Hospitality Industry, ESBAV Publication No: 103, Eskişehir, 1995.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 319 Course Name : Special Interest Tourism Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course, which aims to inform students about special interest tourism, which has started to develop as a result of personal preferences and lifestyle differences, touches on issues such as village tourism, cultural tourism, education tourism, health tourism, and so on.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Consuming Spaces, Urry, John, (1999). Detail Publications. Istanbul.
- Basic Information of Tourism Guidance in Anatolia, Değirmencioğlu, A.Ö., Ahipaşaoğlu, S. (1999) Ankara, Detay Publishing.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 321 Course Name : Human Resources Management Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course includes information about the importance of education, development and planning in the tourism industry and how cultural differences are reflected in them. In addition, human behaviour, motivation strategies, stress management, worker wages and producers are also covered in this course.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Human Resources Management & Case Studies in Hotel Enterprises, Kozak, Meryem Akoğlan (2004). Detay Publishing, Ankara
- Human Resources Management in Hospitality Industry: Principles and Practices, Demir, Cengiz (2005). Nobel Publishing, Ankara
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 328 Course Name : Tourism Marketing Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge about marketing techniques and application of these techniques in hotel management sector.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Modern Marketing, Altunışık, R., Özdemir, Ş., Torlak Ö. (2002). İstanbul, Exchange publications.
- Marketing Principles, Mucuk, İ (1997), Istanbul, Turkmen Bookstore.
- Marketing: an introduction, Kotler Philip, P. Kotler and G. Armstrong (1993), New Jersey, Printice Hall,
- Customer Relationship Management in Sales and Marketing, Odabaşı, Y., (2005). 5th Edition, Istanbul, Sistem Publishing
- CRM Journey, Gel, Oğuz C., (2004). 3rd Edition, Istanbul, Sistem Publishing
- Tourism Marketing, Kozak, N. (2006) Detay Publishing, Ankara
- Marketing Principles and Practices in Tourism Enterprises, İçöz, O. (2001) Extended Edition, Turhan Publishing House, Ankara
- Tourism Marketing, Hacıoğlu, N. (2005) 5th Edition, Nobel Publishing, Ankara
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 340 Course Name : Event and Conference Management Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with information about organizing conferences and its importance in business tourism.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Events Management Principles and Practice, Razaq Raj, Tahir Rashid and Paul Walters, Sage Publications.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 346 Course Name: Research Methods Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge on operating methods, data analysis and SPSS. It provides students to do research in their area of interest by addressing topics such as statistics, probability sampling, hypothesis evaluation, t-test, variable analysis, correlation and similar topics.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Research Techniques and Report Preparation, Arıkan, R., (2005): 5th Edition, Asil Yayın Dağıtım A.Ş., Ankara.
- Tourism Research, Gayle Jennings, Wiley.
- Scientific Research Method: Concepts, Principles, Techniques, Karasar, N., (1995) 3A Research Education Consultancy Ltd. 6th Edition, Ankara.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 351 Course Name: International Business Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course is designed to examine key issues related to international trade, characterized by a rapid change in political, economic, technological and cultural environments worldwide. In international trade, which is growing in terms of goods and services, it is exemplified by multinational companies dominating the world economy.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- International Business Environment, Leslie Hamilton.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 200 Course Name: Summer Internship
Contains a 100-day internship and performs under the supervision of the department
Course Code : TURZ 411 Course Name : Tourism Policy and Planning Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge on planning techniques required for the tourism industry and the originality of planning in different regions. The scope of the course includes a case study after each section.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Tourism Policy and Planning, David L. Edgell and Jason R. Swanson, Routledge.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 417 Course Name : Fundamentals of Finance Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with information on financial issues, financial institutions, risk management, financial analysis, financial forecasting and financial strategies.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Financial Management in Businesses, Ceylan, Ali, Ekin Bookstore, Bursa, 2001.
- Money Bank and Financial Markets, Money Free, İlker, Ezgi Bookstore publications, Bursa, 1997.
- Financial Management, Aşıkoğlu, Rıza, Semih Büker and Güven Sevil Anadolu Üniv. Publications, Eskişehir, 1997.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 420 Course Name : Consumer Behaviours in Tourism Industry Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course examines the role of consumer behaviour in the marketing process, accepting consumer behaviour in the tourism industry, and identifying motivated actors for purchasing tourism products including consumers, internal and external determinants, and understanding touristic purchasing decisions.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Public Relations in Businesses, Sabuncuoğlu, Z. (2004) Istanbul, Actual Publishing.
- Basic Public Relations Information, Göksel, Ahmet Bülend, 2007, E.Ü Publishing
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 422 Course Name : Tourism Sociology Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to examine the socio – cultural aspects of tourism within the concept of society. It explores how social and cultural changes in tourism standards of living in tourist resorts are reflected in tourism.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Sociology of Tourism. Avcıkurt, Cevdet. (2003). Detay Publishing. Ankara.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 426 Course Name : Strategic Management Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: It is a course that includes the information obtained in the previous lessons and together with other supportive information, including the issues of recognition, determination, analysis and analysis of business problems.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Management and Organization in Modern Hotel Enterprises. Sener, B. (2001). Gazi Bookstore.
- Hotel Management. Mavis, F. (2006). Ankara: Detail publishing.
- Contemporary Management Techniques in Tourism Enterprises. Aksu, A. Ve Ehtiyar, R. (2007). Ankara: Detail publishing.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 412 Course Name : Ethical and Social Issues in Tourism Weekly lecture and application hours: 3,0
Short course description: The aim of this course is to enable students to learn the potential negative effects of the tourism industry on the environment, cultural heritage and societies. This course also aims to develop awareness for responsible and sustainable tourism by examining the guidelines designed by UNWTO in the Global Ethics for Tourism rules.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Ethics in Tourism, Kozak, M. Akoğlan and H. Güçlü (2006), Detay Publishing, Ankara.
- Business and Marketing Ethics, Ural, T., (2003), Detay Publishing, Ankara
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code : TURZ 400 Course Name : Graduation Project (SPSS) Weekly lecture and application hours: 1-4
Short course description: It is a course that aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to complete their research projects.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Andy Field, Sage Publications.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Atendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title : Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95% mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Presentation of the project in front of a panel of Professors: 90%
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
Course Code :
Course Title :
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.
This course provides comprehensive look at risk management within the hospitality environment. The course addresses issues of loss control for hospitality firms. Using a risk management conceptual framework, issues in fire protection, customer and workplace safety, OSHA, and customer and corporate security are analysed.
An introduction to basic concepts of cruise, seaport and airport operations from the perspective of hospitality management. Students are introduced to the cruise and airport industry, maritime legislative and safety issues, cruise and airport terminology plus operations.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
This course provides an overview of casino operations including the economics of the casino and its interface with hotels and other organizations and the practices and problems associated with the casino management such as staffing, security, controls, taxation, and entertainment. Students will study the history of gaming and gaming development, casino organization and operation, the mathematics of casino games, and casino management, as a part of the broader study of hospitality management.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
Students will examine the world of food and beverage from a different perspective such as media and press and research the opportunities in the printed and/or electronic press and media, which have taken on important duty in the recognition of the sector and also sector’s becoming widespread.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
This course focuses on teaching basic concept of special interest tourism and its features. This course will introduce students the newly emerging tourism activities that include ecotourism, adventure tourism, sport tourism, health tourism and food and wine tourism to name just a few. A wide range of case studies will introduce the management of these operations and their relationship to the broader tourism industry include newly emerging tourism activities that are heavily based on individual preferences and diverse life styles as example of rural tourism, cultural tourism, heritage tourism, educational tourism, health tourism, senior tourism.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
Introduction to professional moral values and social responsibility issues including; equal employment opportunity, discrimination prevention, service quality concerns, fair treatment of employees, employee and client privacy, honesty in public relations, post-service operations, sensitivity to community demands and attitudes.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
This course provides information on interpretation and commercialization of different sources for the transformation of tourism products into tourist destinations and the role of sightseeing institutions, research methods, travel geography and business concepts in creating tourism centers.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
This course will explore franchising management, methods, and rules. Franchising is simply an efficient and innovative means of distribution of goods and services. It is an arrangement under which the entrepreneur (the ‘franchisor’) permits selected people (`franchisees’) to operate their own business under the franchisor’s brand name. In this course students will explore the unique nature of the franchising relationship and learn how the franchisor develops, controls and expands the brand through selected real-life franchise case studies for hospitality industry.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
This course provides developing skills to solve problems by protecting the problems of cultural heritage, protection, promotion and management.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
The aim of this course is to investigate the social effects of tourism as a result of examining the sociological structures of the tourists participating in the tourism and the organizations that offer the products of tourism.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
This module aims to provide you with a basic understanding of the structure, nature and operating characteristics of the European tourism industry. It will examine the socio-economic significance of tourism as a phenomenon and explore the relationship between the public and private sectors and their involvement in tourism.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
Market research is the cornerstone of the marketing process. It helps companies identify customers and marketplace demand and reveals how customers receive a company’s products or services. Anticipating and tracking customer behaviour is vital to the success of any marketing initiative. This course introduces the reasoning and methodology behind effective market research. Students learn best practices in data collection and market segmentation, and gain a thorough understanding of market analysis and strategic positioning. Students also explore the stages of the buying process and examine factors that influence consumer buying patterns. Finally students identify potential conflicts between a consumer’s perceptions of a product or service and the way a marketer may position it.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
Students will learn how to be restaurant entrepreneurs as they learn all facets of the restaurant business. Course includes instruction in quality service, restaurant financials, restaurant management, food production, beverage service, modified table service, marketing and promotion. The objective in this class is to impart the knowledge and management skills essential for the successful operation of a full-service commercial restaurant.
Credit(s): 3 ECTS: 5
Great attention has been conducted to tourism fair and exhibition management. The aim of the course is to acquaint student with possible approaches to the issue of tourism fairs and exhibition management using the tools of marketing, communication and promotion, logistics and other social and economic disciplines in this area. Students can obtain practical skills necessary for the preparation of a successful tourism fair and exhibition management.
Credit(s):3 ECTS: 5