MTU Policy Against Hazing

                1. Hazing Defined

                2. How to Report

The Mesarya Technical University prohibits hazing activities associated with acceptance, advancement, membership or continued good standing in formal or informal student groups, clubs or athletic teams. The Mesarya Technical University and its branches and satellite campuses are serious about eliminating hazing and the threat of hazing. With the help of students, faculty, and staff we will eradicate hazing from our culture.

1. Hazing Defined

Hazing is any intentional or unintentional, knowing or reckless act, including public stunts, buffoonery, or morally degrading activities, directed against one or more students by one person acting alone or by more than one person, occurring on or off university premises, that would endanger the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging or associating with, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, seeking and/or maintaining membership in any organization whose membership consists of students. Consent and/or acquiescence by the student(s) subjected to hazing is not a reasonable defense in a disciplinary proceeding.

The Mesarya Technical University recognizes three forms of hazing that represent a progression in severity. The degree of severity varies and may overlap in any of these forms.

A. Subtle Hazing: Behaviors that emphasize a power imbalance between a student(s) by one person acting alone or by more than one person and other members of an organization/team either recognized or unrecognized. Termed “subtle hazing” because these types of hazing are often taken for granted or accepted as “harmless” or meaningless. Subtle hazing typically involves activities or attitudes that breach reasonable standards of mutual respect and place a new student(s) on the receiving end of ridicule, embarrassment, and/or humiliation tactics. (Some types of subtle hazing may also be considered harassment hazing).

Subtle hazing may include but is not limited to the following examples:

  • Deception
  • Silent periods with implied threats for violation
  • Deprivation of privileges granted to other members
  • Requiring performance of duties not assigned to other members
  • Social isolation of rookies/new members
  • Line-ups and drills or tests on meaningless information
  • Name calling, demeaning titles
  • Requirements to refer to other members with more formal titles (e.g., Mr., Miss)
  • Requiring or expecting possession of certain items at all times

B. Harassment Hazing: Behaviors that cause emotional anguish or physical discomfort and are conducted to promote a feeling of group belonging. Harassment hazing confuses, frustrates, and causes undue stress/or new members/rookies. (Some types of harassment hazing can also be considered violent hazing).

Harassment hazing may include, but is not limited to the following examples:

  • Verbal abuse
  • Threats or implied threats
  • Requiring or expecting embarrassing or humiliating attire
  • Stunt or skit performances with degrading, crude, or humiliating acts
  • Sexual simulations
  • Requiring or expecting harassment of others
  • Requiring or expecting new members to perform personal service to other members, such as carrying books, running errands, cooking, cleaning, etc.
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Deprivation of a normal or reasonable standard of body cleanliness

 C. Violent Hazing: Behaviors that have the potential to cause physical and/or emotional, or psychological harm.

Violent hazing may include, but is not limited to the following examples:

  • Forced or coerced alcohol or other drug consumption
  • Forced or coerced ingestion of vile substances or concoctions
  • Beating, paddling, or other forms of assault
  • Branding or burning
  • Water intoxication
  • Bondage
  • Requiring or expecting abuse or mistreatment of animals
  • Requiring or expecting illegal activity
  • Abduction or kidnapping
  • Exposure to cold weather or extreme heat without appropriate protection


Stop Hazing:

FIPG (Fraternal Information and Programming Group):

2. How to Report

MTU Athletics Compliance Office +90(392)……………………

The MTU Athletics Compliance Office can provide assistance to all student athletes regarding resources and avenues to address hazing incidents on the MTU Campus or during MTU affiliated events.

MTU Campus Police +90(392)……………………or 155

The MTU Campus Police will respond to violent hazing activities that are occurring or have taken place, that have jeopardized the safety of an individual or individuals.

MTU Dean of Students Office +90(392)……………………or

The Dean of Students Office can provide assistance to all students regarding resources and avenues to address hazing incidents on the MTU Campus or during MTU affiliated events.

MTU Office of Equal Opportunity +90(392)……………………or

The Office of Equal Opportunity can provide assistance specifically to anyone who believes the hazing they experienced was due to their protected class or was heightened because of their protected class. A protected class is a group of people protected against discrimination by University policy or by state and Northern Cyprus (TRNC) law. The following are considered protected classes: Age (40+), Ancestry /National Origin, Color /Race, Gender Identity, Genetic Information, Medical Condition, Mental/Physical Disability, Pregnancy, Religion, Sex (including prohibitions on sexual harassment), Sexual Orientation, Spousal Affiliation, Veteran Status and any other class as protected by state or Northern Cyprus (TRNC) law.

MTU Student Activities Office +90(392)……………………or

The MTU Student Activities Office provides assistance to MTU Student Organizations (including Fraternities and Sororities), regarding resources and avenues to address hazing incidents on the MTU Campus or during MTU affiliated events.