Occupational Profiles of the Graduates
We offer careers information, advice and guidance to all students whilst studying with us
Throughout your time with us, our careers information, advice and guidance can work with you to improve your employability skills even further; assisting with job or course applications, searching for appropriate work experience placements and hosting events to bring you closer to a wide range of prospective employers.
Graduates obtain a very comprehensive and wide background which provides flexibility on the labor-market or running of their own business.
An Environmental Sciences Technology degree equips you with the scientific background and key skills necessary for roles in a range of career areas, including conservation and sustainability
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
Amenity horticulturist, Commercial horticulturist, Environmental consultant , Environmental education officer, Environmental engineer, Environmental manager, Horticultural consultant
Horticultural therapist, Marine biologist, Nature conservation officer, Recycling officer
Sustainability consultant, Waste management officer, Water quality scientist, Toxicologist.