Before you arrive in Northern Cyprus
Before you come to Northern Cyprus to study at the Mesarya Technical University, there are some processes you need to complete. You should also see the webpage when you arrive .
Pay your tuition fee deposit
If you are an international student, you need to pay a tuition fee deposit. This is not an additional fee, but part of the overall tuition fee.
Visit our International student deposits page for further details.
Apply for your visa
When you pay your tuition fee deposit, you will reach the final stage of the admissions process and should begin your visa application.
Visit our Visa page and check which visa you need to apply for.
Book an airport meet and greet
If you are an international, EU or Turkish student you can book to be met at the airport when you arrive.
For two weeks in September, our staff will be at the Ercan airport to meet new International , EU and Turkish students. If you are staying in one of our university residences, we can help you travel to your halls.
To book a place, see our meet and greet page .
International Student Welcome Programme
Join us for three days of lectures, workshops and social activities that will help you settle into the University.
By the end of the programme, you’ll have made new friends, enjoyed some of the delights of North Cyprus and had many of your questions answered.
Find out more about our welcome programme.
If you need any information on Mesarya Technical University accommodation, please visit our Student accommodation pages.
Receiving your offer
If your offer of a place to study at the Mesarya Technical University is conditional, usually depending on outstanding results for your qualifications, please send supporting documents confirming you have met the conditions to the relevant Admissions Office. You will find contact details in your offer letter
English language courses
If you require English language training to support your studies, please visit our page on English as a Foreign language.
What to bring
There are international students from about 150 countries in North Cyprus, and students from different countries will want or need to bring slightly different things with them. We’ve compiled a list of the essential items that all international students should bring.
The essentials
Be certain that you have packed – and have easy access to – all of the following items before coming to Cyprus:
- your Letter of Acceptance
- enough money for tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses
- a valid passport and visa (if necessary)
- travel insurance and health insurance (you can have this at Mesarya Technical University)
- travellers cheques in US dollars, Euros or Pounds Sterling for the first few weeks you are in North Cyprus
- all the information we have provided (enrolment and accommodation information)
- documentary evidence of your finances and references from your bank
- documentary evidence that you have enough money to support yourself
- evidence of your qualifications (usually original certificates with certified translations where appropriate)
- information from your doctor about any medical condition you have and prescribed drugs you need to take
- any original documents required for enrollment (original qualifications certificates, IELTS/TOEFL documents, letters of reference)
- if you paid your fees into the University account, proof of this
- driver’s licence (if you have one)
Some recommended items
- A dictionary: this can be very useful, especially at the beginning of your studies
- Students going into University halls of residence should note that cutlery, crockery, cooking utensils, bed linen, and pillows are not provided. Some basics would be useful for the first week. However, you can buy many items cheaply in North Cyprus.
- Warm clothing: bring at least one warm sweater or cardigan and a jacket. Students from hot climates may find it difficult to find this clothing at home and it may be cheaper to buy winter clothing in North Cyprus. Wool and cotton garments are far warmer than ones made from synthetic fibres. For students used to winter weather, it is worth bringing winter clothes from home – North Cyprus gets cold during December, January and February.
- Photographs, posters, books or other items that are special to you: these can help you adjust to your new home.
Packing your bags
Laptop computers and other valuables should be carried in hand luggage and not checked in.
Your carry-on/hand baggage should include enough personal articles to last for your first night in Northern Cyprus (clean underwear, warm jacket, toothbrush, and medication etc).
This is just in case your luggage is delayed or lost.
Make sure your luggage is clearly labelled in English.
Do not bring;
- your entire household. All the household items you will need – bedding, cutlery, crockery, etc – are available locally.
- too many books or stationery. Until the course begins it is impossible to know which books to buy. Most books you will need will be available in the libraries or for sale second-hand or locally.
- so many personal belongings that you cannot carry. Do not pack fresh food – your luggage may smell, juices may leak out or you could be detained at customs.