Course Code : ABS 1300
Course Title : INTERNSHIP
Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0
Brief Course Description:
1. Registrations for internships are handled at the departmental level with the cooperation of the Careers office and the Industry liaison office at Mesarya Technical University. A departmental internship coordinator assists the student in designing the internship experience
in various business disciplines such as; Marketing, Human Resources, Accounting & Finance, Operations etc..
2. Close liaison should be attained between the university and the firm, institution, or agency in order to ensure that the aims and objectives of the program are fulfilled and a high-quality of internship is attained. For this purpose on-site visits may be carried out by the Internship coordinator to ensure that all conditions are fulfilled.
3. A number of interim reports will be submitted to enable assess and evaluate the progress of the student. The reports which should also be signed by the work / department supervisor must show the basic skills the student is expected to develop (communication, working in
groups and under time constraints) as well as the duties performed and their relevance to the theory gained in class.
4. Students will be required to submit a final report for assessment before a grade is given to them. The final report which should also be signed by the work / department supervisor should include an overview of the company, the structure of the company, a detailed reference to the duties performed and their relevance to the theory gained in class, main problems faced as well as benefits gained at work.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Recent textbooks relevant to their academic discipline.
Published articles relevant to their academic discipline.
Students are required to visit and work in the chosen work place for a minimum of 100 hours per semester. During their placement period, students will be guided by their work / department supervisor and their relevant lecturers and / or Internship coordinator to observe, and evaluate the students’ performance in the relevant discipline. The students’ performance on applying the knowledge gained in the various aspects of business administration in real business situations will be observed and assessed by the department / work supervisor and in cooperation with the relevant lecturer and the internship coordinator. Student projects prepared during the practical exercises and deemed appropriate by the work /department supervisor will be submitted to the lecturer in charge for evaluation. The supervision and evaluation of students is the responsibility of the lecturer in charge through communication with the work / department supervisor, who will also submit an evaluation report.
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.