Course Code : ABF312
Course Title : Agricultural Hydraulics
Weekly lecture and application hours of the course: 3-0
Course Description:Major topics of this course are the relationships between soil and water, the water requirements of plants and crop irrigation.This knowledge is required for the correct and rational water usage in agriculture. Other topics include: Hydrostatics (hydrostatic pressure,measurement of pressure, manometers). Hydrodynamics (introduction, definitions, continuity equation, Bernoulli’s theorem, Venturi, Pitot devices).Fluid flow in pipes (type of flow, fluid velocity, linear and local head losses, nomographs). Hydrological cycle (soil water and solute balance). Waterretention, moisture characteristic curve. Hydraulic conductivity. Irrigation systems: flooding, basins, borders, sprinklers, drip irrigation, furrows, mini-sprinklers. Drainage systems. Steady-state and transient state. Depth of water table. The course includes lectures, field trips and practical’s.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Irrigation and Drainage Engineeering, Peter Waller and Muluneh Yitayew
Simplified Irrigation Design, Pete Mellby
Course Evaluation:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95%compulsory