Course Code : PDR 155
Course Name: Self-Recognition and Communication Skills
Weekly lecture and application hours of the course: 3-0
Course description: Self-knowledge, ways of self-knowledge, self-knowledge practice, assertive behaviour, passive behaviour, changeable behaviour, empathy, empathic communication, human and cognitive characteristics, cognitive change, coping with stress and stress, problem solving, patient-dietician relationship, interpersonal conflict and solution.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Communication Skills, Dr. Martha Davis et al. Nobel Bookstore
- Effective Communication Skills, Prof. Dalton Kehoe, York University Press
Course Evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.