Course Code: EST 343
Course Title : Liquid Waste Management
Weekly Class and Application Hours:3-0
Short Course Description: This course deals with treatment and management of liquid wastes and in particular: Categories of liquid wastes(municipal, animal, industrial). Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics, planning and treatment, treatment plans, use of treatedliquid wastes, water enrichment of aquifer, irrigation, treated liquid wastes as a source of water. Sources of water pollution. Biodegradation –aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of organics in water. Heavy metals and toxic substances. Water quality related effluent limitations.Standard quality limits for the disposal of wastewater to water recipients. Water pollution prevention and control techniques and practices.Wastewater minimization at source. Methods and technologies for the treatment of wastewater prior to its disposal (physical, chemical, physico-chemical and biological methods). Advanced methods and systems for the treatment of wastewater. Water saving, recycling and reuse.
Textbook and Supplementary Books::
Technologies for the Treatment and Recovery of Nutrients from Industrial Wastewater BY Ángeles Val del Río, José Luis Campos Gómez,Anuska Mosquera Corral ISBN13: 9781522510376 ISBN10: 1522510370 | EISBN13: 9781522510383 | DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1037-6
Waste Water Recycling and Management 7th IconSWM ̶̶ ISWMAW 2017, Volume 3
Editors: Ghosh, Sadhan Kumar (Ed.) ISBN 978-981-13-2619-6
Course Assessment:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95%compulsory