Course Code: EST 314
Course Title : Toxicology II
Weekly Class and Application Hours:3-0
Short Course Description: Toxicology II course aims to introduce concepts such as biochemical toxicology, control, regulation and activity ofmetabolic enzymes. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of toxic action of substances. Mode of action and kinetics of cholinesterase inhibitors.Biochemical and molecular biomarkers at organism level. Effects of mixtures of chemicals to organisms and ecosystems. Toxicology II practicalintroduces the student to the toxicity testing methods and evaluation of results. The topics in the practical includes: Evaluation of toxicity usingbioluminescence bacteria in water and soil samples Soil and sediment toxicity assessment. Evaluation of toxicity in water using the organismssuch as Daphnia magna.
Textbook and Supplementary Books::
Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology – 4th edition By : Smart
Course Assessment:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95%compulsory