Course Code: EST 313
Course Title : Toxicology I
Weekly Class and Application Hours:3-0
Short Course Description: Toxicology I introduces the student to basic principles of toxicology and toxic kinetics and biochemical action ofpoisons. Other topics include acute and chronic effects of different types of poisons (eg, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, metals and industrialpollutants), typical routes of exposure to the environment and assessment methods in relation to their licensing regime. Toxicology I practicalintroduces the student to laboratory instruments used in toxicology testing, procedures and experimental methods for the identification andquantification of toxic substances and their transformation products in environmental and biological samples. Application of these methods forthe isolation, detection and quantification of toxic substances in environmental samples.
Textbook and Supplementary Books::
Principles of Ecotoxicology, Fourth Edition By: C.H. Walker, R.M. Sibly, S.P. Hopkin, D.B. Peakall
Course Assessment:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95%compulsory