Course Code: EST 311
Course Title : Environmental Science and Technology
Weekly Class and Application Hours:3-0
Short Course Description:
The course includes the following topics:
1) Categories of pollutants, microbial metabolism, metabolism paths, destructive metabolism plasmids, Transformations-nitrogen cycle
2) Biological remediation
3) Environmental Biotechnology
4) Phytoremediation of metals
5) Bio-plastics, bio-polymers
6) Environmental biotechnology applications in the production of bio-fuels
7) Industrial applications of environmental biotechnology.
Textbook and Supplementary Books::
Environmental Science and Technology: A Sustainable Approach to Green Science and Technology, Second Edition By: Stanley E. ManahanTextbook
Course Assessment:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95%compulsory