Course Code: EST 224
Course Title : Water Quality Analysis
Weekly Class and Application Hours: 3-2
Short Course Description: This laboratory-oriented course focuses on the measurement of the parameters that characterize the quality of water.This way the students will develop the ability to analyse samples from different origins like surface waters and wastes. In addition, through thestudy of the physicochemical processes we will achieve a better understanding of the taught analytical theory. The laboratory exercises aredivided into five groups. At first we describe the natural characteristics of water (colour, odour, taste and dimming). Next we examine the physicalproperties of water (conductivity, pH, alkalinity, salinity, total hardness). The third part includes the inorganic ingredients of water (metals, iron,ammonia, nitric and phosphoric ions, dissolved oxygen, sulphuric and silicon ions) and the fourth part studies the organic ingredients (COD, BOD,TOC, oils and fats). Last part is the microbiological examination of the water.
Textbook and Supplementary Books::
Water Analysis: A Practical Guide to Physico-Chemical, Chemical and Microbiological Water Examination and Quality Assurance .Editors: Fresenius, Wilhelm, Quentin, Karl E., Schneider, Wilhelm (Eds.)
Course Assessment:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95%compulsory