Course Code: ENG 122
Course Title: English for Academic Purposes
Weekly Class and Application Hours: 3 – 0
Tanımı: ENG 122 concentrates on the learning of English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP). The course aims to enable students to acquire anduse the English language efficiently and fluently in the performance of their duties as qualified agricultural and food scientists. This isaccomplished through the use of a variety of topics and genre. Relevant material will be used to acquaint the students with different writing styles(comparison and contrast, cause and effect, and classification). Special effort will be made so that students exercise and improve their criticalthinking abilities. Students are expected to develop sufficient range of language, phonological control and sociolinguistic awareness to be able toexpress themselves with a degree of clarity, fluency and spontaneity.
Textbook and Supplementary Books::
Cambridge Academic English B1+ Intermediate Student’s Book By Craig Thaine ISBN 9780521165198
English for Academic Study: Extended Writing & Research Skills 2012 Edition – Course Book By Joan McCormack and John SlaghtISBN: 9781908614308
Course Assessment:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95%compulsory